These healing sessions are designed to give you deep insight into the heart of your patterns & wounds, so you can truly heal.
Session 1: Deactivating the Abandonment Wound Post Breakup
During a breakup, the abandonment wound can get deeply activated. We may feel out of control, overwhelmed with panic and emotion, or desperate for distraction. In this session, you’ll learn how to self-soothe your abandonment wound and receive reassurance for your path ahead.
Session 2: Remembering Wholeness through Alchemy & Divine Union of Your Inner Man + Inner Woman
During a breakup, we may find ourselves grasping externally for the other person to come back, to apologize, to change, or to acknowledge their wrongdoing. This rarely happens, and the medicine we need is within the core of our very own being. In this session, you will be guided through the process of remembering your wholeness and calling in your fire.
Session 3: Coming Back to Reality and Finding Your Center Again
What the relationship really that good? Why do we self-abandon?
What parts of yourself did you have to give-away or abandon to make it work?
In this session, we explore these fundamental questions and more, to help you get a clear picture of what the relationship was really like. When we’re feeling hurt/betrayed or abandoned, we have a tendency to gloss over the bad parts and glamourize the good. In this session, you’ll get the support you need to reclaim your power and come back to centre so you can move through your breakup in a healing way.
Session 4: Attuning to the Medicine of Heartbreak
There is medicine in heartbreak, but to discover it, we need to feel safe, and have the tools to navigate the intensity that can accompany such a painful loss. In this session, you’re going to uncover what your deepest learning is at this time as it relates to your relationships, and how to transform this experience into personal power and healing. This work is all about reclaiming and honouring your sensitivity, your need for rest, and your right to feel whole.